6 Reasons to Try Phonak Paradise Technology
Comprised of all-new hardware, Audéo Paradise excels in hearing performance and hosts several elevated features. The results?
A hearing aid that delivers an unrivaled hearing experience.
And here are the top 6 reasons to try Phonak Paradise Technology.
1. Crisp natural sound
Hearing is a complex process. It starts at the cochlea, where sound is first perceived, and finishes at the brain where we experience the sound.
Phonak Paradise has been created to deliver crisp natural sound for you to enjoy the wonders of the world as they should be heard.
2. Brilliant speech understanding
Understanding someone who is speaking softly or from a distance in a quiet environment can be challenging.
Speech Enhancer boosts soft-level speech so you are able to enjoy conversations with friends, colleagues and loved ones.
3. Personalized noise cancelling
It sometimes takes effort to follow conversations when speech is coming from the front and noise is coming from the side and back.
This can often vary depending on the type of room you are in, or even how you feel during that time.
With the Dynamic Noise Cancellation you can personalize the amount of noise cancellation you want all in real-time – all through the myPhonak app.
4. Voice assistance access at a tap
Imagine answering phone calls, streaming or pausing music, and activating voice assistants just by tapping your ear.
A motion sensor in Phonak Paradise offers you an effortless way to do all that and more.
The built-in microphone allows you true hands-free calls and voice assistant activation.
5. Connects to smartphone, TV and more
Phonak Paradise connects directly to your iOS®, Android™ or other Bluetooth®-enabled devices so you can stream audio in excellent quality directly to your hearing aids.
Plus, as an added convenience, you can simultaneously connect to two Bluetooth devices and seamlessly alternate between the two.
6. Empowering smart apps
Control your Phonak Paradise hearing aids, access useful features and personalize your settings all through the myPhonak app.
It’s the best way to get the most out of your hearing aids.
Try them out today
Contact us today for your hearing aids free trial.