Ears blocked? Our wax removal service can help

Ears blocked? Our wax removal service can help

Non-invasive, pain free wax removal via manual and microsuction removal techniques

Officially known as cerumen, earwax is part of the ear's own cleaning system, designed to stop incoming dust, dirt, bacteria - even bugs - in the ear canal and ferry them out again.

The wax and trapped debris are propelled along by the movements of the jaw, at about the same speed that fingernails grow. When it reaches the ear opening, the wax usually dries, flakes and falls out, often without you noticing.

The process isn't always smooth. Having too much earwax, or wax that is too dry or too sticky, can create a buildup. Much of that is genetically determined.

Tens of thousands of Tasmanian's suffer from excess wax build up in their ears.

Wax Removal

Eliminate discomfort and blockages in just 15 minutes





Symptoms of having an excess of wax;

Notice a difficulty of hearing

Tinnitus or ringing of the ears sensation

Your ears feel full

Your ears are itchy

Feelings of pain or discomfort

Ears are releasing an odour

Some coughing

Answered yes to any of these? Wax removal may help

We recommend wax removal when;

You are experiencing impacted ears from wax

Have suffered a perforated ear drum

Suitable if syringing is unsuitable

You are a hearing aid user/wearer

Had surgery or issues relating to your ear in the past

Your ear canals are narrow, or have a bend in them

Have an excess of hair in your ear canals

Also suitable for dermatitis or psoriasis

Save even more with one of these cards*

*Card must be presented at appointment/consultation. One cash back or discount may be used per appointment/consultation only. Valid per ear (twice for two ears). If no wax is found in your ears at the time of your appointment, a reduced rate applies.


$10 health fund cash back


$10 Pension card cash back


10% Seniors card discount

Frequently asked questions

What are the prices and rebates available?

We charge just $70 per ear for our wax removal services. Additional rebates apply for health fund, pension and seniors cards of $10 per ear.

If no wax is found in your ears at the time of your appointment, a reduced $35 rate per ear applies.

We also now offer a home visit wax removal service for a standard $110 per ear. Please call reception on 1300 797 519 to request this service.

Why do we choose microsuction and manual extraction techniques?

Quite simply, we believe it is less invasive on your ear canal and ear drum. Flushing your ear with water can potentially damage your ear drum.

Do you provide wax removal for children?

For bookings under the age of 18, please speak with our reception staff before booking.

Where do you offer wax removal services?

Our wax removal service is currently available at our Hobart clinic located at 61 Davey St, Hobart TAS 7000.

We can also now perform our wax removal service in your home (within 20km of the Hobart CBD).

Please call reception on 1300 797 519 to request this service.

To make an appointment call 1300 797 519 or book below